Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

A comparative study on oral Montelukast versus inhaled low dose Budesonide in adult mild persistent asthma patients.

Dr. S. Roy Tapadar, Dr. M. Maiti, Dr. M. Das, Dr. A. B Singha Mahapatra

Abstract :


Management of asthma by inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) is prevalent and quite effective. But there exists some apprehension among patients regarding use of steroid inhaler. Till date most of the studies which have compared oral montelukast against ICS, has worked on the paediatric age group. In the present study we intend to compare these two agents in adults (age>14 years), having mild persistent asthma. A total 60 patients in a tertiary care hospital were enrolled and divided into two equal groups, Group-A to receive single dose oral Montelukast (10 mg/day) and Group-B inhaled Budesonide (400 µg DPI /day) as twice daily inhalation with turbuhaler. The study period of 06 weeks have 03 obligatory visits to judge the patients – symptomatically by Asthma Control Questionnaire (ACQ), spirometry, peripheral blood absolute eosinophil count (AEC) and induced sputum eosinophil count (SEC). Statistical analysis used by SPSS version 20. The groups were statistically comparable. Patients of both groups have improved gradually. Intergroup comparison shows no significant difference regarding improvement of Spirometric parameters (p> 0.05), ACQ score (p=0.7332), AEC comparison (p=0.1126) but SEC shows significantly (p=0.0117) more reduction in the montelukast group. Montelukast may be considered a valid alternative as orally administered, non-steroidal, singe agent in treatment of mild persistent asthma in adults, but Budesonide is more efficacious in sputum eosinophil count reduction.

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Dr. S.Roy Tapadar, Dr. M.Maiti, Dr. M.Das, Dr. A.B Singha Mahapatra, A comparative study on oral Montelukast versus inhaled low dose Budesonide in adult mild persistent asthma patients., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-1, JANUARY-2018

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