Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

A Comparative Study of management of 3RD degree haemorroids MIPH (Minimal Invasive Procedure for Haemorrhoides – Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy) Vs OPEN HAEMORRHOIDECTOMY

Dr Jainam Shah, Dr Jatin Modi, Dr Jaimin Shah, Dr Neelay Jain

Abstract :

Background and Objectives: Many surgical and non-surgical treatment modalities are available for management of haemorrhoids. Out of which haemorrhoidectomy is regarded as the cure of disease. It can be performed in many ways. Conventional open method is widely accepted by many surgeons. MIPH is recent advance in the management of haemorrhoids.This study is aimed to compare the two surgical modalities to treat the haemorrhoids namely Open haemorrhoidectomy and MIPH (Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy) in technical, functional and economical aspects. Methods: A prospective randomized study was conducted of 30 patients in Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College-Smt SCL Hospital. All patients with 3rd degree haemorrhoids were hospitalized, all routine investigations were done and evaluated as required. All cases were thoroughly studied and followed up according to the subjective and objective assessment. Results: In patients who underwent stapler haemorrhoidopexy, the duration of surgery was less, postoperative pain was less, postoperative bleeding was also less, the patients were ambulated in 12-24 hours, hospital stay was 2-3 days and returned to their routine work postoperatively in 10 days. Conclusion: Stapler haemorrhoidopexy is effective in terms of decreased per- and postoperative blood loss, minimal pain, less requirement of analgesics and less pain at first bowel movement, faster wound healing with faster postoperative recovery and short postoperative hospital stay with early return to normal routine activity but MIPH is expensive as compared to open technique. However, long-term follow-up is necessary to determine whether these initial results are lasting.

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Dr Jainam shah, Dr Jatin modi, Dr Jaimin shah, Dr Neelay Jain A Comparative Study of Management of 3Rd Degree Haemorroids Miph (Minimal Invasive Procedure For Haemorrhoides – Stapled Haemorrhoidectomy) Vs Open Haemorrhoidectomy Global Journal For Rese

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