Volume : V, Issue : IV, April - 2016

A Comparative Study of Life Satisfaction among Scheduled Caste and Non-Scheduled caste Teachers

Dr. Rajni Bala

Abstract :

<p> Teachers have a very pivtol role in the social reconstruction and transmission of knowledge & experience of one generation to another. Children who are real potential wealth of the nation are exposed to the teacher’s influence. The teacher’s entire personality is reflected on the minds of the students. If the teacher is satisfied, he will do full justice with his profession. This study is an attempt to compare the life satisfaction of Scheduled caste teachers and non Scheduled caste teachers using Life satisfaction scale by Promila Singh & George Joseph (2005). Results revealed that Non scheduled caste teachers were found to be significantly more satisfied than scheduled caste teachers. Female teachers are significantly more satisfied with their life than male teachers. Male scheduled caste teachers are significantly more satisfied than male non-scheduled caste teachers in Females trend is opposite. Only for experience group II (8-24 years) , scheduled caste teachers are more satisfied .</p>

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Dr. Rajni Bala A Comparative Study of Life Satisfaction among Scheduled Caste and Non-Scheduled caste Teachers Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol.5, Issue : 4 APRIL 2016

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