Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Different Strategies/Padagogical Approaches in Teaching English – at Secondary Level.

Dr. Anupama Verma,

Abstract :

Method means how to teach? so it play an Important role in teaching English. In this research a comparative study has been examined between direct and traditional method. The four group design was used, two group for experiment treatment, two group for received treatment, one experimental and one control group receivd for a pretest. Intelligent test was administered to determine the level of student before treatment. Experimental groups were taught by direct method and another were traditional method. At the end of treatment scores of pre test, post test and intelligent test was analysis with help of t–test and analysis of variance to know the significance difference between the scores of groups 0.05 level. To achieve the objectives null hypothesis was formulated and tested. In the consequences we found direct teaching method seemed to be more effective.

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Dr. Anupama Verma / A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Different Strategies/Padagogical Approaches in Teaching English � at Secondary Level. / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:8 August 2013

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