Volume : V, Issue : IX, September - 2016

A Comparative Study of Achievement in Science of Muslim and Non Muslim Students at Secondary Level relation to their Attitude towards Science and Types of School

Ruchi Bajpai, Dr. Jarar Ahmed

Abstract :

 The present paper is an attempt to study “Achievement in Science of Muslim and Non Muslim student at secondary level in relation to their attitude towards science and types of school .” The sample comprised to 268 students, in which 125 were Muslim and 143 were non Muslim. Science attitude scale (SAS) developed by Smt. Avinash Grewal was used. Result showed that there is no significant differences in Muslim and Non Muslim students in respect to achievement in science. Governement, private and Government added schools has no significant relationship with achievement in science. And there is high co- relation between achievement in science and attitude towards science.

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Ruchi Bajpai, Dr. Jarar Ahmed A Comparative Study of Achievement in Science of Muslim and Non Muslim Students at Secondary Level relation to their Attitude towards Science and Types of School Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 9 |

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