Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


Dr. B. M. Pabithadevi, Dr. Jeyaprakash, Dr. V. Pandi

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND: In blunt injury abdomen liver injuries, splenic injuries, hemoperitoneum are easily diagnosed. But bowel injuries in blunt injury abdomen are not obvious. Hence, often missed, unless, repeatedly looked for. Isolated bowel injuries are not common , usually it is associated with multi organ injury. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patient admitted in TIRUNELVELI MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL, with features of BLUNT INJURY ABDOMEN, from January 2013 to August 2014. Data collected with meticulous history taking, clinical examination and Appropriate radiological, and operative findings. The collected data analyzed with respect to the presentation by the patient, age & sex incidence, etiologies, morbidity and mortality associated with the causation and management.By analyzing the data, the common etiologies of BOWEL INJURIES IN BLUNT INJURY ABDOMEN, the most appropriate modality of investigation were studied. RESULT: In the present study, Combined injuries were more common than isolated bowel injuries. Road traffic accidents were the major etiology in causing bowel injuries in blunt injury abdomen. Jejunum is the most commonly injured bowel in the blunt injury abdomen. CONCLUSION: Apart from the ideal investigations like X- ray abdomen. erect & FAST, the gold standard clinical examination also plays a vital role in diagnosing the bowel injuries in blunt injury abdomen .

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DR. B.M.PABITHADEVI, DR. JEYAPRAKASH, DR. V.PANDI A Clinical Study on Bowel Injuries in Blunt Injury Abdomen Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016

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