Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2017
A case study on BLUNT ABDOMINAL TRAUMA (BAT) - Approach, Association's, Management and outcome in a TRAUMA CENTRE of a tertiary health care setup.
Dr. Baru Dhruvkumar Hiralal, Dr. Nina M. Shah, Dr. Prafull B. Mishra
Abstract :
Case study of 40 cases of blunt trauma abdomen to evaluate role of various
modalities of treatment available for solid and hollow organ injuries with an aim to reduce the morbidity and mortality over a period of six months.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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DR. BARU DHRUVKUMAR HIRALAL, DR.NINA M. SHAH, DR. Prafull B. Mishra, A case study on BLUNT ABDOMINAL TRAUMA (BAT)‾Approach, Association‘s, Management and outcome in a TRAUMA CENTRE of a tertiary health care setup., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-4, April‾2017
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DR. BARU DHRUVKUMAR HIRALAL, DR.NINA M. SHAH, DR. Prafull B. Mishra, A case study on BLUNT ABDOMINAL TRAUMA (BAT)‾Approach, Association‘s, Management and outcome in a TRAUMA CENTRE of a tertiary health care setup., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-4, April‾2017