Volume : XIII, Issue : VI, June - 2024

A Case Report Of Non-Puerperal Uterine Inversion Due To Submucosal Leiomyoma.

Dr. Ramesh Parate, Dr. Ajay K Pokale, Dr. Rachit Thavanani, Dr. Niveditha Nairy, Dr. Rohit M Shinde

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A CASE REPORT OF NON-PUERPERAL UTERINE INVERSION DUE TO SUBMUCOSAL LEIOMYOMA., Dr. Ramesh Parate, Dr. Ajay K Pokale, Dr. Rachit Thavanani, Dr. Niveditha Nairy, Dr. Rohit M Shinde GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-13 | Issue-6 | June-2024

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