Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

A case of Suicidal poisoning by Intravenous administration of Anesthetic drugs

Charansing B. Ghoti, Jayesh T. Kohapare, Keshav S. Kapgate, Shivangi S. Apte, Vijay J. Thakre

Abstract :

An unusual case is reported in which death was caused by selfadministration of Lidocaine by subcutaneous injection. The Chemical analysis of biological (Viscera, Skin & blood) and non-biological (I.V. Injections & Syringes from crime spot) samples was performed by Thin layer chromatography) and confirmed byGas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-MS). The TLC & GC-MS examinationrevealed presence of local anesthetic drug Lidocaine in blood and viscera II (which contains pieces of lungs, Liver, Spleen and Kidneys) and local anesthetic drug Lidocaine and Propofol in non-biological exhibit.The Lidocaine concentration detected in blood was 4.05μg/ml and in Viscera content 1.38μg/g.The analytical findings provide useful information that the cause ofdeath in the caseis over dose of Lidocaine.

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Charansing B. Ghoti, Jayesh T. Kohapare, Keshav S. Kapgate, Shivangi S. Apte, Vijay J. Thakre, A case of Suicidal poisoning by Intravenous administration of Anesthetic drugs, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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