Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

A Brief Study on Consumer Perception about Green Products

M. L. Ashok, Dr. T. Aswathanarayana

Abstract :

 As resources are limited and scarce while human wants are unlimited, it is important for the marketers to utilize the resources effectively and efficiently without wastage as well as to achieve the organization‘s objective. Green marketing is inevitable for the attainment of long-term mission and vision of an organization. There has been rising awareness among the consumers all over the world concerning protection of the environment. People do desire to bequeath an uncontaminated earth to their offspring. In this paper we try to cover the various forms of environmentally concerned consumer behavior and their determinants. The understanding of environmentally concerned consumer behavior is of importance to consumers, business organizations, policy makers and other stake holders. The last decade has seen a progressive increase in the environmental consciousness across the globe and consumers are becoming more concerned about it. However, despite positive forecasts, demand for green products has not shown enough growth as expected and not much consumers have responded positively due to various factors. Thus, this study endeavors to explore why people do not buy environmentally friendly products by finding out which are the main constraints impeding them to translate their green intentions into actual purchase behavior. Needless to say, paramount significance is going to be attached to green products as they shall come to occupy the centre stage in the market in future years. Corresponding with that, there will be a shift in consumer perception towards green products although at a low pace in coming years.

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M.L. Ashok, Dr. T. Aswathanarayana, A Brief Study on Consumer Perception about Green Products, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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